Enzo Loves Manga Episode 3 – Otoyomegatari (A Bride’s Story)

Time for another episode of the manga recommendations corner.  This time we focus on a series readers of the site already know is one of my favorites – Otoyomegatari.  I know I blog the series anyway but I didn’t feel right not including it in the “Enzo Loves Manga” series – and it seemed like an especially good time to do so with the manga on hiatus.

Any short list of the most beautiful manga and greatest manga artists ever would have to include A Bride’s Story and Mori Kaoru.   This series is a true masterpiece and well worth rhapsodizing over for 12 minutes or so.




  1. E

    The link is apparently not working properly

  2. Sorry – fixed!

  3. Doom and Gloom…
    We’re going to war when the manga comes back.

    The sentiment is the same as with Houseki no Kuni.
    I want and at the same time don’t want to see what happens next.

  4. Remembered about Chihayafuru and this series of yours at the same time.
    Since the anime ended I had forgotten to read the manga. I catch up last week and I’m still dropping tears remembering how good it is. I don’t care about their match anymore (I don’t like Chihaya that much anyway), I just want to see Shinobu going to live and be happy with her mother after it ends.

  5. R

    Wow, that artwork is gorgeous! I’m so glad you highlighted it here because it sounds exactly like the type of story I’d love–historical, slice-of-life, and compelling characters. I’ll definitely check it out.

  6. I would be stunned if you’re disappointed.

  7. R

    Back now that I’ve devoured all 12 currently available English volumes to say I did indeed love it–such wonderful characters! Now I have to reread at a slower pace to soak in that beautiful artwork. Thanks again for the rec!

  8. m

    I remember checking the manga a few years ago after seeing one of your reviews. I’ve fallen behind on reading, but I remember really liking Karluk and thinking Pariya was my spirit animal.

    Anime when? Kayano Ai would be the perfect Amira.

    While we’re on the topic of manga recommendations, can I recommed one to you? Have tried Totsukuni no Shoujo? A lot of people compare it to Mahoutsukai no Yome (young female protagonist + male lead inspired by Celtic mythology), but the similarities end there.

  9. Thanks, always appreciate recommendations. I haven’t read that one but I’ll check it out. Didn’t it get an ONA or something?

  10. m

    It did. WIT did a great job on that.

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