First Impressions – Ahiru no Sora

OP: “Happy Go Ducky!” by the pillows

It’s been a good while since we’ve had a season that looks like this one.  Only finding 4-6 series I have any real desire to cover has become the new normal the past few years, but – at least one paper – Fall 2019 could be different.  Hell, just looking at carryover and sequels to shows I’ve previously blogged would take me above that number, and there are a passel of other series that seem likely to make a strong case to be blogged.  This doesn’t have the look of a true epic season like Spring 2007 or 2012, but it certainly could be the best since 2016 in terms of combining quantity and quality.  I hope it is, but if so it’s likely to leave me consistently exhausted.

The rollout begins (for me) with diomedéa’s adaptation of Hinata Takeshi’s basketball manga, Ahiru no Sora.  This is certainly by “B” Sora series this season, but that doesn’t mean I have low expectations.  I’d certainly love to see a decent basketball anime – since Slam Dunk they’ve pretty much ranged from mediocre to awful (and Ahiru’s chief director was at the helm of one of the awful ones, worryingly).  Ahiru no Sora has been running for 16 years now, with decent sales, and while even an unusually long run of 4 cours isn’t enough to adapt that much manga, the fact that the manga is ending soon leads me to believe diomedéa is going to try.

A couple thoughts on the premiere jump out.  First, I rarely cap OPs for any but my top picks for the season but seriously, there was no way I wasn’t doing that here – even if this is my first fall series the race for best OP is already pretty much over.  Also, any series which has Kaji Yuuki in the lead role (which is, like, 30% of them these days) pretty much starts the game staring at a 10-point deficit.  That can be overcome, and with the right writing and certain types of characters, Kaji can become something close to a neutral influence.  But that’s a best-case scenario – I still don’t know if either of those things apply to Ahiru no Sora and Kuramatani Sora.

Once you get past those pre-impressions, I thought the episode itself was… good.  Maybe even very good – certainly a cut above the average sports premiere.  There’s certainly a lot of formula in this story – an undersized but spirited hero (the mangaka’s name is Hinata after all) trying to stave off bullies and a club full of yankees to get basketball off the ground at his new high school.  But there are already signs of some distinction – the role of women and girls as more than pretty managers, first of all.  That end starts out badly with a peephole scene, but it’s clear the girls’ basketball club (which is a real one, unlike the boys’) is going to be an important factor, especially their star player and Sora’s potential love interest, Madoka.  There’s also the fact that Sora gets his inspiration from his mother, who was a star player but now (for reasons undisclosed) either can’t play or has passed away.

The character that jumps out most from the premiere, though, is the affable strongman Hanazono Chiaki.  It’s not even really Kaji’s fault that Sora comes off as a little bland – that’s the burden the formula places on him.  But Chiaki is interesting and amusing, and though Konishi Katsuyuki is obviously way too old to be playing 17 year-olds the fact that Chiaki looks about 35 lessens the disconnect, and Konishi is really good here to boot.  The rest of the toughs are pretty much formula too so far (including Chiaki’s twin brother who looks nothing like him) but it’s early days yet.

The general view of the manga seems to be that’s it’s quite good but not a classic, though there are a few people who hold it in extremely high regard.  Not having read a panel of it my opinion will be formed based solely on the anime, and so far it looks pretty good.  Everything worked fine in the premiere – it was never worse than predictable, and often times showed a real spark.  Production values were more than decent, and there was no indication that we’re going to get another basketball series that totally defies the laws of physics with Shounen Jump moments.  The competition this season could be stiff, but I always make room for a good sports anime.  Hopefully Ahiru no Sora will prove to be just that.



  1. B

    After 5 viewings of the episode and uncountable ones for the opening (but actually not really because of “the pillows”, but I will comeback to it later), I think it is safe to say that I am ready (gentle reminder: not a native English speaker, so sorry in advance).

    Of course being a fan of the manga, I may sound biased but I will do my best. So, solid episode and pleasantly surprised, even though this is just the beginning and we all know how anime prod can derail with time (especially for such a long one). But as once again about this series, the challenge will reside in the “execution”, I don’t care if there is nothing flashy. In other words, they just need to respect the core of the story and everything will go according to the plan (and based on the PVs, it seems to be the case, so…).
    I am hermetic to “seiyuu” stuffs (lucky me) so for me it doesn’t really matter. Even though (once again as a manga reader), I agree that the voice acting for Chiaki is spot on! I will probably sound deranged, but I really don’t get the issue with the peephole stuff (I saw other “complaints” about it). Don’t get me wrong, I understand from a “real life” point of view where is the issue, but I mean, this is such a regular kind of gag that…I don’t know. But it’s true that I enjoy “City Hunter”, so a peephole is nothing to me (lol).

    Talking about gags, I found funny some people claim that they were too much because actually…they even cut few of them! And I think that this is how they will try to save timealso later on. But I got no feeling of rush even though they even covered way more that I expected (which sounds good). Regarding the opening, really enjoyed the song but even more the pictures (reason why I watched it many times), as they inserted stuffs which first could scared manga readers but which (after intensive analysi! lol) are in my opinion fan service eggs (which is cool too. Of course if it is really that!).

    But do not worry, I have minuses too! I mean, I still really wonder (since the PVs) who got the idea to completely change the haircut of Sora (this is not a spoiler, just a blatant fact). I don’t get the idea behind it. They also did not get very kind with the noses. Yeah, Hinata’s art about noses is also sometimes particular but there, my goodness, they unleashed themselves regarding the proportions of some characters.

    Anyway, I would have other things to say but I think that I will stop there. Just to insist once again of the fact that this always to remind that this is manga which exists since 2004 (which you did of course). But I say that because all the “He copied THAT Hinata” etc. that I read there and there systematically leaves me speechless. I perfectly understand the anti-chronological challenge here, but this is…let’s say funny, in particular when you are absolutely not a fan of orange hair guy (yes, surprising. I love sports manga but got zero interest for THAT Hinata).

  2. People get very lazy about fact-checking when a series they don’t know has similar elements to one they do.

  3. D

    I really liked it and I’m excited to keep watching. As a person who’s is struggling with the whole aging anime fan thing, it was a plesant surprise to see a relatively unhyped show turn out good and so effortless to watch and enjoy.

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