Pray For KyoAni (updated)

As most of you will have heard, tragedy struck this afternoon as a fire struck Kyoto Animation’s Studio 1 in Rokujizou, Kyoto this afternoon.  The fire was apparently started by an arsonist, who has been captured by police and confessed to the crime.  There’s no word on motive yet – one might speculate (I know I have) but that will come out in due course.  At least ten people have died, and several well-known figures from the studio are apparently unaccounted for.  As well, a great deal of the studio’s artwork may have been destroyed.  This is truly one of the darkest days in anime history.

There have been several funding campaigns set up already – the one Sentai Filmworks is involved in is presumably legitimate, but I can’t speak to any of the others, and sadly con artists frequently use tragedies like this to defraud the public.  Obviously the desire to help is understandable, but realize this – a Japanese corporation like Kyoto Animation will have had full insurance.  All of their employees will have full health coverage.  Money is not going to be the issue in rebuilding the studio.  Donate if you wish – I applaud the desire to – but please exercise caution with regards to who you give your money to.  I hate that I have to say that at a time like this (just as I hate the ugliness that’s arisen on social media after the tragedy) but that is what it is.

As for the site, I did think about suspending posting but I think it’s for the best not to do that.  If programming airs as scheduled, I’ll cover it.  There are better places than this to keep up to date on events as they unfold, so I won’t try to become a news source – I’ll be following reports just like the rest of you.  Obviously my thoughts are with KyoAni and the long and difficult struggle to rebuild and recover that they’re going to face.


Update: While money is not going to be the primary issue in rebuilding for Kyoto Animation, if you do want to support them financially I continue to believe the best way is through the company directly rather than through any Gofundme or other public fundraising campaigns.  Even if legit, these will run afoul of complicated Japanese tax law and the money will likely sit idle for an extended period.  To support KyoAni directly I recommend the purchase of digital images directly through their website – this money will go directly to their accounts.  It’s slightly complicated but in addition to the site itself, I’ll link to the excellent how-to guide ultimategax created.

KyoAni digital store:




  1. J

    Honestly, this whole thing has me shook. I admit that I haven’t been the biggest fan of KyoAni (I enjoyed some of their works like FMP, Nichijou as well as Liz and the Blue Bird, but overall a lot of their work has left me luke-warm), but… sheesh, they don’t deserve that at all, and I’m definitely praying for the well-being of everyone who worked there. Even those that survived will probably carry those mental scars with them for years.

    I woke up to these news about three and a half hours ago, and have been following coverage since then non-stop. Just… some of the things being reported actually make me feel like throwing up. And there’s been some nasty takes in social media too. What a day, calling it the maybe darkest day in the industry isn’t even that far off…

  2. Here’s the thing. If this had happened at some other studios I won’t name but which are known to be black companies, I would immediately suspect a disgruntled ex-employee. But not this studio. Though it’s a low bar, KyoAni is know to treat their staff as well as any TV studio in the industry. But there are other possible angles that come to mind given how rabid some of the studio’s fanbase can be, and the fact that there were already some horrible people joking about this on twitter moments after the reporting started leads one to give that angle some credence.

    Sigh… The truth is, we’ll know when the police tell us. And whatever the motive is, it won’t undo any of the tragedy the perpetrator caused. It is indeed a dark day for anime.

  3. It was already disclosed that the arsonist wasn’t a current or former employee. So the space of possible motives dramatically shrinks.

  4. V

    I think most of anime/manga has become a lair for parasytes. It’s become such a toxic, unhealthy medium. And Japan is already quite a disturbed, & disturbing, country…
    It’s hard to justify exposure to their stuff anymore. Sadly, I think the current system is better off collapsing.

  5. Seeing some speculation that the KyoAni arsonist was a writer or artist who believed the studio had plagarized him. Unconfirmed. That isn’t a possibility I’d considered but it certainly isn’t impossible.

  6. G

    For sure he suffered from mental illness. To kill 33+ people because you thought they copied your manga/ideas is a nutcase of some kind.

  7. M

    Like you said, money isn’t really the issue here, the insurance the studio has will probably more than cover the financial needs of the studio and it’s employees. What’s truly tragic is the ten confirmed deaths, those are lives no amount of money will ever return. This, and the trauma endured by the survivors is what’s truly heartbreaking.

  8. J

    By now we’re even at 33 confirmed deaths, which is a fifth of their staff – this tragedy just keeps getting worse.

  9. s

    My heart sank when I heard that a “famous animation studio in Kyoto” had been attacked, knowing it must be KyoAni. Creators of two of my favorite anime, Nichijou and Hyouka. I feel sick for everyone who suffered a loss in this horror.

  10. R

    Thank you so much Enzo for the post, and I appreciate the message of caution.

    I was shocked and saddened by the news, thinking of our beloved anime talents and community the whole day. Money is one thing. Mental support can be another that may ease the healing process during this difficult time.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with the staff and their families…

  11. O

    Mis más sinceras condolencias para los familiares de personas que marcaron tantas vidas con su hermoso trabajo. Incluso aquí Allende los mares se siente tan dolorosa pérdida, fuerza en este triste momento, el odio nunca debe triunfar.

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