Otoyomegatari – 79

So I was just thinking the other day, “Doesn’t it seem like quite a while since there’s been a new Otoyomegatari chapter?”  And lo and behold, the next day a wild chapter appeared.

To be honest though, this might be the most unsatisfying chapter of the series for me.  I hate to sound ungrateful but with a series like this that isn’t even quite monthly (which I don’t begrudge Mori-sensei in the slightest, given the incredible artwork required) something like this isn’t really fulfilling after a wait of two or three months.  I couldn’t even remember who these characters were in fact, though when Rostam showed up that triggered something about the wife being Karluk’s sister.  Do I really care about Seleke’s hair and Yusuf’s libido?  Not so much.

So – Chapter 80 can’t come soon enough.  Please let it be something consequential – after an 8-page omake and this being all we’ve seen in four months, I need some substance.



  1. e

    Well… as pure eyecandy ( or biding time exhibit ) you could do much worse than bestow lush lush LUSH rose-water-imbued desert Rapunzel on your readers :,) . And this immediately put to mind a few XIX century photographs of RL Godiva-league ladies showing off their keratinous goodness…

  2. R

    I’ll agree that it wasn’t super substantial, but I’ll also admit reading it the main train of thought going through my head was basically “ok Mori-sensei, now you’re just flexing on everyone else” because THAT HAIR is gorgeously drawn. I also read a lot of Mori’s short stories and enjoy them a lot, so whenever she does these sort of small asides, it remind me of those. I do think she’s an artist who find great joy in drawing a lot of the more mundane in extraordinary detail, but also capable of doing sprawling epics and several genres, which is part of what makes her works impressive. I also hope we’ll get plot in the next chapters, but whenever I see these sort of shorts, I always get the impression that this is the sort of stuff she likes to draw just as an artist.

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