1. Y

    Looks totally awesome!

    I always you lived in Japan…

    Take it from someone who’s probably older than you… Change is ALWAYS good at the end, and “security” is waaaaay overrated

    Good for you man! I have exactly this same weird feeling of kind of arriving home every time I go there. Even though I’ve never been more than a tourist there. It is weird… The first time I ever landed there I was like “tadaima”. Previous life maybe…

    Enjoy man! Life is short

  2. R

    Thanks, Enzo…this is awesome! Great to see the neighbourhood that you’re in, and it looks busy. Love the easy access to jinja, ponds and neko…!!

    Does Kitano mean Kitano-chou? I googled yesterday…it’s a pretty famous and neat area in Kobe!

  3. Yes, quite well-known… Lots of old merchants houses in the Western style, shrines and cafes and the like. Heaven on Earth for me.

  4. R

    So jealous…it’s like culture, history and nature all in one and within walking distance! Happy for you, Enzo!

  5. H

    I am pretty excited for these posts coming back. I enjoyed all your previous ones and look forward to many more. I have wanted to travel in Japan for years now. For me, this is the next best thing. Basically I live vicariously through others online to see all the sights I can’t visit in person, so I appreciate you taking time to document your experiences there. Someday I really want to travel to Wakayama Beach where my grandfather was near the end of the war. My father has told me many times over the years that my grandpa was hugely impressed with Japan. My love of Japanese culture has always made me feel closer to him, especially since he passed away when I was still pretty young. I have some of the items he brought home with him after being stationed there, but unfortunately don’t know the stories behind them since he never really talked about his time in the military. One is a homemade box that I think might be for holding tackle and is quite beautiful. Your new town looks very comfortable. Some time ago I learned of the German expression “Fernweh”. It basically means far-sickness or wanderlust, but I’ve also heard it translated as feeling homesick for a place you have never been. That is Japan for me. All of the vlogs I see on youtube or posts on blogs such as yours, even watching anime fills me with this feeling. I hope that I am able to get an opportunity in the future to go there and experience it for myself. Until then I will look forward to seeing more content from you. Thanks again 🙂

  6. Wow – that’s a huge honor to hear that. All I can say is – go! Experience it for yourself, you won’t be disappointed.

  7. F

    I envy you.

    And it’s a good thing you’ve paid your cat tax, but where the food pics at??

  8. e

    It’s like a Chinatown street of sort? 😀 Also yay neko yay happy Enzo —- Re: food pic. The oishi is palpable *W*

  9. Yes, Kobe has the 2nd biggest Chinatown in Japan after Yokohama. Both major port cities.

  10. F

    – Slightly unfocused picture
    – Unimpressive presentation
    – Not a single written impression of the sushi, soy sauce, sliced ginger or miso soup

    10/10 Lovely picture, would salivate over again.

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