UQ Holder – 08

There comes a point with certain series when I realize I’m writing mostly for myself.

I know most of you aren’t much interested in UQ Holder – or at least in talking about it.  But I have too much of a personal stake in this series to give up on covering it, I suppose.  I mean, I would if I felt it weren’t a good representation of the Negima mythology and an entertaining show in its own right – I certainly wouldn’t have stuck with any of the Xebec atrocities “adapting” the original manga.  But even if it’s a tacit acknowledgement of the low bar Negima anime has set, UQ Holder amounts to a reasonably faithful take on the franchise – certainly by far the most faithful (and best) series adaptation it’s had.

With that said, chunks are being left on the cutting room floor here – a very good manga fight scene this week for example, though the one we did get was quite well-animated and choreographed.  We’re certainly getting to the meat of the Negima crossover material now, the need to do so in one cour being a major reason why one of the manga’s most emotionally powerful arcs has been cut.  In theory that arc should be starting next week, so this is an especially bittersweet time to be following the anime – but I continue to be engaged by it even so.

Fate Averruncus is the key player in drawing the connection between the old series and the new, and his interest in Touta is more than simple curiosity.  Bits and pieces are revealed here – Fate and Evangeline parted ways 20 years ago, Touta is a “nothing” who can only find himself and become truly strong by joining Fate.  Fate is a careful man, and not so easily taken in by Kirie’s trap – bur even so, he’s clearly surprised by the prowess Touta displays, especially wielding the gravity blade.  In fact the lad even manages to draw “blood” from Fate, which clearly takes the latter by surprise.

Eventually Kirie – who despite being turned to stone is still hard at work executing her trap – manages to trap Fate under the UQ HQ, along with Touta, Kuromaru, Karin and Ikkuu.  He agrees to answer one question from each of them truthfully in exchange for a temporary truce and leave to depart, and a few more nuggets of information are doled out.  Fate needs Touta to save both Negi and the solar system, he says – though in answer to Kuromaru’s question he admits the matter won’t become pressing for another 20 years.

It’s Touta’s question, naturally, which is both last and most relevant – he asks Fate if he was indeed the one who killed his parents.  In this it seems Kitty was telling the truth – but not about one other very important thing she’d told Touta.  Negi seems to be alive – so Fate says anyway, and what appears to be Negi (with the same seiyuu as in the first series – Satou Rina –  interestingly) appears to warn his grandson not to take Fate’s words about saving the world at face value.  Whether this is truly Negi is unclear, but what is obvious is that Evangeline doesn’t want Touta to hear what he has to say – and Kuromaru ensures that neither Touta or we do hear it.  That will have to wait for another day…



  1. S

    It’s alright, we’re stil reading, and personally, as someone who only watched negima, it’s interesting to see analysis and rants from someone who consumed all of Ken’s material.

  2. I’m not ranting too much, I hope. I like this show way more than I expected to.

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