I’ve mentioned this before, but you can always tell when Mob Psycho 100 has just had an epic episode by looking at the Stalker rankings, because they spike big-time. Usually it’s an action-driven blockbuster with a preponderance of big fights, giving the peerless team Bones has assembled for this series the chance to really strut their stuff. But while there were definitely some sasuga moments, it was a different sort of epic this week that drove the numbers.
Reigen has been Mob Psycho 100’s most perplexing character right from the beginning. ONE plays up the contradictions in Reigen’s nature brilliantly of course, and Tachikawa-sensei made a really interesting choice in highlighting the charlatan – and buffoon – side of his character so heavily in the first episode. If there were ever a case where a director intentionally made a premiere less satisfying that it could be, I think this series is it. In terms of Reigen, the director set up the audience like bowling pins.
The answer to the cliffhanger of last week became pretty clear in the first moments of this episode. No, Reigen was not secretly the leader of Claw as some had speculated. He’s just a guy with balls of steel who can talk his way out of any situation – or at least he has so far. It wasn’t through his aura that Reigen convinced those zaku that he was Ishiguro’s (we finally get a look at him, and he looks a lot like a kid) boss – it was simple conviction and a silver tongue. Hell, he wasn’t even intentionally trying to make them think he was the boss – all he had to do was command the situation. One of the great liars in fiction history, George Costanza, offered this advice to Jerry about fooling a polygraph test – “Remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it’s the truth.”
More than just being one of the great bullshitters of all-time, though, there’s a remarkable sense of, yes, honour and inner peace with Reigen. He’s s guy who pretends to be a medium for a living, yet he seems the most grounded and common-sensical man in Japan. When Mob first came to him (as we see in flashback) he was desperate for someone to talk to, and Reigen clearly didn’t believe there were real psychics out there. And he gave Mob the kind advice that changed his life before he knew the boy was the real deal – he expected to get nothing out of it. His words were simple – you have to accept who you are and be happy. Esper powers are just like any inborn trait – they’re nothing to be ashamed of and shouldn’t be run away from. But they also don’t make you special – only being a good person can do that. And Mob has tried to live his life by that creed ever since, despite being maybe the most “special” boy in the world. The thing about Reigen is, he defies that old adage “money talks and bullshit walks” because damn, when he bullshits he backs it up. After talking his way into Claw HQ (charming an entire squad of lackeys enough to turn them) he’s not leaving without Mob (not to mention Ritsu and Kanazawa).
One has to really sympathize with Mob here, because he’s truly torn about all this. He’s genuinely dismayed at having defied his master’s rules, and Reigen genuinely dismayed he had to. But now Reigen is determined, by hook or by crook, to get the kids out without letting them fight. And above all to not let Mob lose control again, because he’ll be the one paying the price for it in the end. Reign may not be an esper but in effect, he’s almost like an anti-esper weapon because he just doesn’t give a flip – he has weapons of his own, and doesn’t hesitate to use them. And let’s be clear – if Mob’s meter can hit “100” and Reigen can still talk him down off the cliff, Reigen is plenty powerful in his own right.
It strikes me that Claw is especially vulnerable to someone like Reigen, because their authority is effectively a reig(e)n of terror – much akin to a ring of school bullies. I don’t see much loyalty to the group here, only fear – and not much loyalty to each other either. Guys like Shou, the guy from HQ (as has been pointed out, he has no scar) seem to have no regard for the group’s larger rules. If someone like Reigen shows up and undercuts their position, and someone like Mob shows up and demonstrates strength greater than theirs, Claw’s hierarchy is in trouble. Most of the Scars seem like guys who’ll follow whoever’s the strongest, and that’s clearly Mob – but maybe Reigen is even stronger, if he can keep Mob from unleashing his terrible power.
It’s certainly notable that Mob did the preview voice-over for the first time (though with Reigen seemingly having just been struck down by Sakurai’s katana it’s not surprising). In effect this confrontation comes down almost to a referendum on pacifism – and in the process, an object lesson on why pacifism is such a difficult philosophy to live out (after all, “I don’t care what happens to the enemy if I can protect the ones I love” could hardly be a more seductive line of reasoning). It’s hard to imagine we won’t see more Mob Psycho 100 after this season – Bones is certainly acting like we will, and it figures to do pretty well on disc. But if not it’ll be a crying shame, because it’s clear ONE is exploring some very big ideas here, and that he’s got an awful more to say – and I, for one, really want to hear him say it.

September 20, 2016 at 12:40 amAnd top of Teru’s head -> back to 100%
September 20, 2016 at 1:35 amI love this show more than I thought I would. I ended up being one of the bowling pins. I couldn’t think of a way in which that could really be Reigen. Just shows how little I understand the characters.
September 20, 2016 at 2:24 amR.I.P. Teru’s wig . Such loss T_T . On the other hand the Kageyama sibling’s love moments and young Shigeo’s eyes coming alight at Reigen’s words were just marvelous and had me borderline weeping on my pasta. And ofc THE REIGEN in all his facets. Whadda man. Don’t you die on Mob and on us pretty please you precious more real than the real thing physio psychic martial mentor mofo you. *hugs screen* . Let us pray by the power of Himalayan salt.
– Bomber jacket kid is not (yet) an ally. But it feels like he’ll become one eventually. If that’s the case I really hope we get to see that animated…
September 20, 2016 at 2:53 am“If there were ever a case where a director intentionally made a premiere less satisfying that it could be, I think this series is it.” aaaaahhhh now yall get it; and id argue that it’s because of this decision why the first ep was effective (at least to me). It wasnt something to rave over the moon about, but i dont think it was trying to be except give you a taste of what the show would be like visually (which is why they had kameda on deck as animation director in the first ep) and make you feel lukewarm about the politics of mob and reigen’s relationship. Now everything comes full circle as the final ep’s title is “mob and reigen”
September 20, 2016 at 3:07 amthe best part is once again, the decision was made to move a scene (how reigen met mob) to an earlier point in time than it should have been and boy was it efficient as fuck in sealing the deal on this great ep within those last few mins
Guardian Enzo
September 20, 2016 at 9:05 amSaid it before, will say it again – Tachikawa is the real deal. He has a chance to be one of the all-time greats among anime directors because he has it all – both a great visual and storytelling sense, actual drawing skills (he’s a super storyboarder), nerves of steel. He’s the truth.
September 20, 2016 at 4:53 pmtruuuuuuuth; I will admit that his got “da stuff”. Im gonna wait for one more series directed by him before i give him the ultimate seal of approval. As of right now, i am pleased with his work and i can see him potentially rocking the anime industry with extreme talented prejudice. I wasnt certain if he had the sensibilities to handle Mob Psycho 100 at first but there i times where i appreciate being proven wrong and this was one of them
September 20, 2016 at 4:53 pm*he’s*
September 20, 2016 at 6:24 amI’ll admit, I would have been very put out if Reigen had been a “bad guy”, because for all that he is not a real psychic, I don’t see him as a real charlatan either. Every client who has come to him has been helped in some way, whether it be by photoshopping ghosts out of pictures, his fantastic massage course, or getting Mob to take care of actual ghosts.
I’m not sure if this “flashback/showing what a stand-up guy he is” episode is a death flag or not, but I’m really hoping that plastic sword that sliced through the flooring leading to and beyond Reigen’s body actually failed to kill him.
September 20, 2016 at 6:32 amAnd I completely lost it when he did the “Anti-ESPer Dropkick”. I had to pause the show because I was laughing so hard.