Your regularly scheduled programming will not be interrupted, and I don’t have any coffee mugs.
I never enjoy writing these posts, but on the plus side for both of us I do it less than once a year (think of this massive Season Preview as my version of Ken Burns’ “The Civil War”). Yes, it’s time to remind everyone that if they appreciate the massive amount of time that goes into keeping this site going, I do have a few options available to anyone who’d care to pitch in. All of these are at the top of the sidebar:
- Patreon Pledges – Any amount you care to offer per post (with a monthly cap option)
- The Amazon and Amazon UK Store
- Paypal (either one-time pledges, or monthly subscriptions)
- Of course, the ads
Obviously, my sincerely and most heartfelt gratitude to everyone who’s already pitched in to help and/or currently acts as an LiA patron. In addition to the hours I put in, the move to WordPress and private hosting – while overdue and overwhelmingly positive – has incurred some additional admin costs for the site, which is why I’m asking for your support now.
I’ve been so busy trying to get this migration untracked that I haven’t really had time to ponder new and more interesting ways of fundraising – merchandise, vlogs, whatever it might be – but hopefully that will be possible this year. In the meantime it’s the boring same-old, but rest assured – every little bit helps more than you can possibly imagine. Hustle, muscle!
Thank you for your time, your support, and for being visitors and contributors – and look forward to a great year at the new and improved LiA!

March 20, 2016 at 11:00 pmSo how does the Amazon link work exactly? If I click that link and buy something, it helps you? Do I have to purchase anything specific?
Also I have Amazon as one of my bookmarks. If I edit it so the URL is the one your link uses will that do anything? I occasionally use Amazon, so I might as well hook you up while I’m at it.
Guardian Enzo
March 20, 2016 at 11:16 pmHey, Mark. Yes, please do – if you connect to Amazon through the LiA link, LiA gets a little bump. Not much, but every little bit helps. It’s the same Amazon as anywhere else and anything you buy (except gift cards) is all good. Also, there is an LiA store set up (link is also in the sidebar) with a bunch of anime-themed stuff and Japan stuff. Much appreciated!
March 23, 2016 at 7:06 amI would really love to chip in, but it won’t be much since I am a student currently. I’ll probably support through monthly subscription though XD thanks for all the hard work put into each and every post.
Guardian Enzo
March 23, 2016 at 8:05 amGina, whatever you care to do is great – just know that I appreciate it. Thanks for being such an active participant in the site.
March 23, 2016 at 7:30 amJust threw a few bucks your way, Enzo. To me, you’re the best episodic aniblogger in the business. Moribito and Cross Game are two of my favorite series, and I discovered them thanks to LiA. I know it’s got to be tough balancing a career, a life, and such a prolific blog, but I think I speak for your entire readership when I say, we truly appreciate it.
Guardian Enzo
March 23, 2016 at 8:02 amSpencer, you rock – thank you! That makes a huge difference, and you were very generous.