To help tide us over till the (no date announced yet) second season of Ika Musume, we get a couple of four-minute “Mini Ika” shorts attached to the BD released last week.
For those of you hoping these would include a heartwarmer like the Mini-Ika chapter from the first season, you’ll be disappointed – these are played pretty much straight for laughs. While they’re so lightweight that a soft breeze might carry them off, they do pack some of the wackiness and cuteness we’ve come to love about our little squid girl into that short time. The first features “Kuro Mini Ika Musume” – Ika’s evil twin of sorts, seemingly hell-bent on taking over Ika’s mini-bed. The second features a Squid God, Mega Mini-Ika Musume and Sanae acting creepy.
There’s not much to these little pre-appetizers, but it is nice to have the taste of squid again after several months without. If the job is to whet our appetites for season two, mission accomplished, ~degeso.