Now Offering Popup Images

Click on Yune!

Just a quick note to those of you have that might have hesitated to click on the screencaps and image links: after much digging I found a hack to offer popup (“popout”) images instead of having the images open a new tab or redirect in the same window. As with everything Blogger it’s a workaround, and it’s still not perfect – I’d like to have the popups closeable with a single click on the image. But it’s better, and I’ll keep looking for ways to keep improving the site. Thanks for visiting!



  1. S

    Wow, that's fantastic. I think it's a fine addition to the site.

  2. L

    And i was about to ask for clickable images to close, but I guess you're already going for that. ^_^

  3. l

    Can I vote for background change to YUNE!!!

  4. I'll consider it Ikaze…
    Thanks, Shirt and Luxor. Baby steps.

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